Category: History

A Cure for the Generational Trauma of Klan Culture

The KKK would pass out fliers with caricatures of non-heteronormative people, warning the public that people like me were dangerous. I remember the KKK marching in the streets carrying signs that instructed the adults around me to “frag a fag” in order to “save our children.” I also remember when a popular Houston mayoral candidate, Louie Welch said that the best way to address the HIV epidemic would be to “shoot the queers.”

The KKK, Passing, Race, & Gender

I grew up at a time when the KKK and evangelical leadership teamed up to fight against queer employment equality. I grew up during a time when the KKK would pass out fliers with caricatures of effeminate gay men warning the public that people like that were vile and dangerous

White House = Death House: AIDS & George HW Bush

It’s one of the few diseases where behavior matters. And I once called on somebody, “Well, change your behavior! If the behavior you’re using is prone to cause AIDs, change the behavior!” Next thing I know, one of these ACT UP groups is saying, “Bush ought to change his behavior!” You can’t talk about it […]

The Sandra Bem Sex Role Inventory

Currently, the 1970s-era Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)  is about as useful as a Buzzfeed gender quiz in that it can only offer the slightest peek at one’s gendered experience with culturally sexed roles. For instance, I wonder how my result would have changed had it asked me if I ride a Harley, if I like […]

Sex Essentialists don’t understand materialist analysis

I spent a few days trying to reason with a sex essentialist activist regarding their ideological claims, clearly pulled straight from the quagmire of confusion that is Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist analysis. Here’s the materialist logic I tried (and I believe failed) to get the sex essentialist activist to grasp: Thoughts about sex and the material […]

Civil War Monuments, Heritage, & Southern Culture

I’ve lived in the Houston, Texas area all of my life. That means I’m a child of Southern culture: I’ve had a CHL for years, I love riding my Harley Road King, and I love my Texas hill country music. I grew up just blocks from the KKK center in Pasadena, Texas. So, when some […]

Sex Essentialism vs Fat Essentialism

I want to present two absurd essentialist arguments in order to demonstrate the function of reductionist essentialism within our culture’s discourse. The first example of rhetoric will focus on sex essentialism while the second will employ the same rhetoric upon the binary of thin and fat: Sex Essentialist Argument: Male people who undergo dangerous genital surgeries are […]

Janice Raymond, TERFs, & Insurance Policy

Someone recently asked me to breakdown the link between the TERF opinion leader Janice Raymond and insurance policies that exclude trans care. Here’s the link to the original article. This article meticulously exposes a few less than truthful fact assertions Raymond has made, but it’s quite long. So, here’s the TL;DR article excerpt version: It was […]

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