Civil Rights

David Welch, Conspiracy Nut?


david-welch-conspiracyDavid Welch, the Executive Director of a Houston-based hate group that calls itself the “Houston Area Pastoral Council,” is an extreme right-wing fundamentalist. He’s also Founding Executive Director of Christian Coalition of Washington, the National Field Director of Christian Coalition, the Executive Director of Vision America and more importantly, Welch has a history of dodging debates with me.

As many of you know, Welch was scheduled to debate me for the second time live on FOX News but backed out. Welch has a long history of making declarations about the civil rights of transgender people but is now seemingly afraid of debating those very ideas.

On Friday, November 26, I called up David and challenged him to a debate… which he initially accepted, but began to backpedal as the conversation moved forward. I record the phone call and posted it to YouTube because I want to ensure that all aspects of this debate are transparent.  I’ll post the video of this conversation below.

Twenty-four hours after my conversation with David, he posted a remarkably paranoid blog post at WorldNetDaily – a far right-wing blog. He waxes on and on about how he thinks that all GLBT people are actually part of a nefarious shadow organization that is attempting to infiltrate small-town america and turn it it Boy’s Town USA. You might think I’m kidding… I’m not. Welch really believes that he lives in a world of gay shadow orgs that want to literally destroy America.

His post titled “Is your town next for protecting perversion?” Welch begins as follows:

Bowling Green, Ohio, is just the latest American city where the definitions of morality, family and marriage have fallen prey to the GLBT “anti-discrimination” offensive.

As the American Family Association revealed in their documentary (“They’re Coming To Your Town”) several years ago, GLBTQIA (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning, Intersexed and Allies) activists have been quietly moving into small to midsize towns across the country and taking advantage of those who thought the sexual diversity battle is only in the “big cities.”

… and it goes downhill from there.

At the very crescendo of his assault on reason he – in an astounding feat of Orwellian logic –  then writes:

I strongly urge you to watch the video and see these church buildings become nothing more than dust and wreckage. Then think of America following the same course.

Yes. I too encourage you to watch the above linked video. In the video, the pastor of a church and some of his esteemed parishioners push the button to demolish some old church buildings to make way for an expansive and opulent Christian Center. It’s like a fox showing a video of a fox eating hens to make the argument that the right thing to do is to allow foxes to guard hen houses.  Welch is literally stating that it’s  horrible that a church got rid of something unusable so they could grow and expand. Moreover, he hopes that images of the expansion of a church will horrify you to the point that you will agree to deny a portion of the American population equality under the law. I can only marvel at the absurd reality in which Welch seems to live.

Mostly, however, I can’t wait to debate him again!

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