I’m Back(ish)


Long Time No See

You can generally tell when I’m having a rough time of it because I tend to pull back and ride out the storm. It’s been more than a month since I’ve blogged or even really hung out at transhouston which gives you an indication as to just how… intense… things have been. For about a few weeks I felt really alone. Because of circumstance, there wasn’t anyone that was appropriate to talk to and that was kinda rough. Mostly I tried to find balance in not pretending it is all about me or that I was a victim. I felt sad, grief, anxiety and anger and it was interesting to step back and watch those emotions flow over me and then recede. I spent more time in meditation than I’ve spent in a while. While the situation remains unresolved, I feel fairly good about the whole causality game.

TG Community Progress!

I just sent off a grant proposal today that had a really fast turnaround. I’d started working on it Friday and basically worked on it non-stop until 10 AM this morning. I’ll find out in a couple of weeks if it will be funded. Thank you Malcolm for proofing it! I have several grant prospects lined up that I feel fairly good about.

Speaking of grants… Some of you remember that the CAB was originally tasked with contributing community input into a TG homeless grant that I was pushing. Some of you might remember that it has been a long time coming. Well, I’m really happy to announce that as of October 1st, Houston will be the the only city in the nation with a federally funded transgender homeless program. Yes, I can honestly say that after a decade of fighting, the homelessness crisis will be over for TGs in Houston! Woo-Hoo!

The Diana Foundation (the oldest queer group in the nation) spent several hours at the Center today checking out the archive – which was really cool!

On My Roof

This little baby dove was sitting on my car when I came back from lunch. I noticed that it was probably hurt. One of the folks from the Diana Foundation knew of a wild bird rehab that wasn’t too far from the Center so I took off and gave it to some rehab specialists. I really hope the little thing gets better.


I’ve noticed that several people were sick and I’ve got that “I’m fighting it and it hasn’t won” feeling I get before I either get sick or get over it. I’m hoping that recent stress doesn’t push me over the edge. I have way too many things going on to waste time being sick ((+_+)) !

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