Marriage Equality, Media Bias, My YouTube, Right Wing Watch

Truth Wins Out Radio: Ex-Transgender Radio

Example of right-wing ex-trans site

I find the response that I’ve had to this is really interesting.

After folks like pop-psychologist (trained in criminal psychology and practices a Chris Angel-like therapy called “Street Therapy”) Dr. Keith Ablow was given an extraordinary platform via Fox News and tell parents that their children could catch transsexualism from watching Chaz Bono on dancing with the stars, I did a quick search to see what other organizations were saying about trans folk. So, I thought it would be fun to stay up late one night and put this together.

In some ways I thought that folks would view this as being something like Firesign Theater. While some did get what this was about – even though it took some time listening for folks to get it – there were many who didn’t see this for what it is.

So yes, this is satire. I’m not ex-trans and I’m not a right-winger who thinks that the trans community is actually linked to Red China. Yes, there are real radio chips in Chinese-made underwear; yes, the sperm count of American men is dropping; yes, countries closest to China are overrun by trans folk (Thailand); yes, electromagnetic waves interfere with brain function; yes, Chaz Bono will be on Dancing With The Stars and the KJB notes that one of the devil’s names is the Morning Star; and yes, there is a real Korean trans girl band called Lady. In case you’re wondering, most of the radio ads are real (I’ll let you guess which ones are fake) and with the exception of the show my friend and I did, the rest is actual right-wing drivel.

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