Tag: Transgender

Radical Inclusion: Recounting the Trans Inclusive History of Radical Feminism

Here’s an excerpt from titled Radical Inclusion: Recounting the Trans Inclusive History of Radical Feminism published in TSQ by Duke University Press: Abstract This article reviews the ways in which radical feminism has been and continues to be trans inclusive. Trans inclusive radical feminist opinion leaders, groups, and events are reviewed and contrasted against a popular […]

Internet Drama: The Handmaiden of Cis Fragility

“I have been somewhat overwhelmed with J’s dominating conversations and manipulative style. J’s comments rarely bring any positive discussion and seem to frequently derail conversation. I feel like they threaten the safety of the group for the voices of transwomen and people of color.”  –  Complaint made to me from a PoC TCP group member […]

A trans feminist perspective on the NY Times piece

While the first half of the article titled There Is No Reason to Deny Trans People Necessary Medical Care does a good job at deconstructing the fraudulent, entitled and obtuse assertions featured in a recient NY Times piece, it is the latter half of the article that, I felt, is useful as a compacted overview of […]

Michigan Womyn’s Music Fest is Evil

I have a story that will be coming out sometime this month and it comes from several hours of interviews I did with members of the Lesbian Avengers. They told me about what happened to their group back in 1999, when a mob of violent Michigan Womyn’s Music Fest (MWMF) TERFs held a trans kid against […]

Name The Problem

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists defend and excuse possibly criminal access to transkids’ genitals.

#RadFem2013 Lies and the London Irish Centre

For the second year in a row, the RadFem hate conference  has been booted from their venue. For the second year in a row, the RadFem hate leadership is claiming to be victims of a conspiracy. Last year is was a transgender conspiracy and this year it’s a so-called “Men’s Rights” conspiracy: Here’s why the RadFem’s claim […]