The Calm Before the Storm

I’ve now had a little over a month to (for the most part) relax and pull myself together after a – lets face it – traumatic event. This is the first time I’ve somewhat unplugged from the needs of the community in years and I feel that it is just about time to jump back into the fire. When the City grant comes in, planning will start and my world will become a nonstop blur for the next year and I’m not looking forward to that chaos at all. I am, however, looking forward to getting things done.

Community Linguistics: The Great Divide

I believe people choose to personalize terminology. I think folks tend to build a weak sense of self upon a term like “transsexual” and they find they require consistent outside reassurance of their sense of self as a this or a that. It is for this reason I think that people take it personally when someone says transgender instead of transsexual, crossdresser, interesexed, gender-queer, etc. I think the problem with all of this is that the English language is not a dead language; terms evolve and become ever more complex through nuanced usage. The concept is more important than the label and I think that people forget that when their sense of personhood is rooted in a term they expect to stay fixed. Not only do I think tI think this practice does real harm.

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