Tag: gender

The Bathroom Police in Houston, Texas

Many of you know that Ms. Moore, a transgender woman, was arrested and thrown in jail for using the bathroom at a Downtown Houston library branch. Many of you don’t know the back-story. Since I’ve now listened to a number or reporters share their misconceptions with me, I thought it was time to set the record straight.

A Rant About MTF “Stealth”

Choosing stealth is a shame-based way to live because it supports the belief that being trans is bad and should be hidden. Being a transwoman is just another way of being a woman. If you want to save yourself a lot of misery, be truthful about the history that made you into the wonderful person you are today to the people who matter to you. You don’t need to tell the gas station attendant, but the point of transitioning is that you get to live authentically. Don’t put yourself into a position that you have to go back to living a lie; don’t go from one closet to another.


There is a small town stuck between Houston and Galveston. It is one of the many settlements south of Houston that seems to cling to the freeway for life. This particular berg is famous for three things:

1.) A large topless joint that beckons men to exit the freeway so they can have their heart broken by at least 162 women…

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