Category: Reviews

A trans feminist perspective on the NY Times piece

While the first half of the article titled There Is No Reason to Deny Trans People Necessary Medical Care does a good job at deconstructing the fraudulent, entitled and obtuse assertions featured in a recient NY Times piece, it is the latter half of the article that, I felt, is useful as a compacted overview of […]

HIV in the Trans Community: A Reality Check

A friend of mine emailed me about the HIV infection rate for the trans community shown on an educational poster: She said that their numbers sounded low. That’s because they are low. But, before I get into a review of the data, keep in mind that Africa has an HIV infection rate of 5% – […]

Chloe Sevigny, Hit & Miss

I decided to see for myself what all the fuss was about and watched the 6 available episodes. If you like assassin shows, it’s your standard fare. Now, about Sevigny’s portrayal of a pre-op transwoman… It’s good. At times my reaction to her portrayal of gender dysphoria was visceral and may be a trigger for […]

Best Female Blogger

Well, I’m not exactly sure why,  but I found out that I was voted favorite female blogger in Houston by Outsmart Magazine. It came with a tiara and sash – which I’m wearing right now: I’ve built myself a throne at the TG Center. My supplicants can… erm… supplicate themselves by entering what used to […]

Lady Vengeance

What is it with Korean movies? This is like the 5th one I’ve watched that puts Hollywood to shame. Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall… and Spring, Four Iron, Old Boy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and now, Lady Vengeance… wow. I mean, how do they come up with such great writers, directors and cinematographers over there?

3-Iron, AKA Bin-jip

“Bin-jip” or “3-Iron” is an amazing movie. Here is the trailer – but it doesn’t come close to capturing the haunting quality of this movie!

20 Best Vampire Movies of All Time

Top 20 Best Vampire Movies of All Time: For each, I’ve included an IMDb synopsis, relevant links, photos, my thoughts and, if available, a link that will allow you to watch it online. They are to be visually striking (in parts at least), deal with philosophical questions about the nature of existence (faith, consciousness, will, innate personas, etc) and tends to stay away from the cape-and-sash stereotype. I liked these movies because they had heart, were artistically appealing and/or were refreshingly original.

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