Category: Media


As you know, I drove up to the Capitol to testify against a bill that would enshrine Littleton vs. Prange case law into Texas legislative law and strip away the section of current State law in allows a marriage license to be issued to trans people. Watch the video here and hear for yourself the legislative intent behind this bill.

Nikki Araguz Case Update: April 2011

This update covers what’s happening with the Nikki Araguz case: When the next tentative court date is; A review of what was recently covered in the media and how that compares to what was really said; A PWN of Lisa Falkenberg of the Houston Chronicle; Concrete proof that the other side lied to the media; […]

A Covenant House Texas Secret Shopper Investigation

Since the Covenant House representative seemed dismissive of much of what we claimed to have observed over the years, I did a little secret shopping today. Mr. Mark is perhaps one of the most hostile people I’ve ever spoken with in a professional capacity.

David Welch is Chicken

Yes, that’s right. David Welch – the right-wing fundamentalist golden boy – is nothing more that a big yellow chicken. Since he backed out of debating me again on FOX news, I went on the radio to let people know just how chicken David Welch is. Several people have contacted him asking why he’s afraid to debate me. He, of course, has not responded. Why? Because he’s chicken.

A review of TG culture through the medium of Pwnage

This is my first attempt at mixing my own animations into one of my videos. This is basically a low-key PWNage video covering the topics of trans & gender causality, the definition of the word “transgender”, TG history and the benefits of being part of this thing we call transgender 🙂

Lady Vengeance

What is it with Korean movies? This is like the 5th one I’ve watched that puts Hollywood to shame. Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall… and Spring, Four Iron, Old Boy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and now, Lady Vengeance… wow. I mean, how do they come up with such great writers, directors and cinematographers over there?

3-Iron, AKA Bin-jip

“Bin-jip” or “3-Iron” is an amazing movie. Here is the trailer – but it doesn’t come close to capturing the haunting quality of this movie!

20 Best Vampire Movies of All Time

Top 20 Best Vampire Movies of All Time: For each, I’ve included an IMDb synopsis, relevant links, photos, my thoughts and, if available, a link that will allow you to watch it online. They are to be visually striking (in parts at least), deal with philosophical questions about the nature of existence (faith, consciousness, will, innate personas, etc) and tends to stay away from the cape-and-sash stereotype. I liked these movies because they had heart, were artistically appealing and/or were refreshingly original.

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