Category: Derp

The Problem of Evidence for TS Separatists

I recently did a 2-part article for the Bilerico Project on Trans History and how it is relevant to some of the debates taking place on the internet over language . Starting off the article I noted: Additionally, I’ve noticed that there are a number of distinct arguments going on. They seem to be blending […]

Best of Separatist Derp

I just had to share this thread with all of you rational people out there to highlight more of the irrational burbelings put forth by some of the TS Separatists. As many of you know, I’ve done a lot of fact-checking recently and I’ve found that many of the narratives promoted by Separatists are simply […]

Mythbusting: Transgender Colonization

Despite what you’ve heard from the so-called ‘TS Separatists’, it doesn’t seem as if transsexuals were “colonized” at all. The Data, Part 1 Consider the following dataset: – click graph to enlarge – What is this you might ask? This is a comparison of the following 5 terms: Transgender People (light blue) Transsexual People (red) […]

Best Anti-Transgender Rant EVER!

I love looking observing the language we use to describe ourselves and I love our history. However, I tend to feel like I’m listening to a young earth creationist when people on the extremist end of the TS-not-TG group because both would rather live in a fantasy world than to deal with reality. Recently, a […]

Thai Buddhist Ex-Trans Ministry

I recently discovered that there is an ex-trans temple in Thailand that is trying to chant, meditate and bully the trans out of trans people. Wat Kreung Tai has a special program for male-bodied trans people between the ages of 11 and 18. The “Kreung” in Wat (Wat = monastery in Thai) Kreung Tai has […]

Hate Group + Accused Child Abuser = $$$

The Christian right-wing has sunk to a new low. I’ve noted before that these groups aren’t above lying or pimping  child rape victims in their never-ending quest to line their pockets. At one time, I thought that Ruth Jacobs was the lowest in a cesspool of nutty BS, but Eugene Delgaudio has surpassed Jacobs in […]

Pink Toes & Princess Boys: Fox News Fail

On April 9, I posted on my FaceBook that I thought the new J. Crew ad was kinda cool. At the time, not many people cared enough to even comment: Actually, I hadn’t even heard of it until a right-wing asshat media organization put out an APB: Then, on April 11 – taking their cues […]

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