Category: Accommodation

Open letter to the media regarding the AG’s NC suit

Dear news media: Why is it that (almost) without exception, all news stories covering the US Attorney General’s suit against NC omits the rather significant fact that when NC took federal money tied to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Title IX, they signed a contract with the federal government explicitly agreeing to not discriminate […]

San Antonio: not as mature as their children

For the past month, the adults of San Antonio have been wringing their collective hands in very public displays of “concern” over a city ordinance that would extend equality to *gasp* trans citizens. While the notion of trans/cis equality has set the adult’s tongues awaggin, their children already extend this equality to trans children. San […]

California Trans Bill Freak Out

Supposedly, as the RadRight narrative goes, the California bill protecting trans kids in school is anarchy and madness. Unsurprisingly, TERFs and H-BSers jumped on that narrative: You know what? BS. Here in TEXAS – yes, conservative TEXAS – we’ve had these California-style policies in effect for YEARS. And you know what’s happened? Nothing… Except trans kids […]

TS to Brownworth: 2008, “Get the f*ck out of our lives” 2013, “I am very happy that Victoria wrote this series”

On July 4, the Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) published an editorial in which a transsexual, Cei Bell came out in support of Victoria Brownworth, the journalist at the center of a recent controversy about unethical (and possibly criminal) practices concerning what CPS called, “child exploitation.”  Brownworth has been recently criticized for, as one commenter put it: … […]

Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival

Most of the Womyn that come to fest really don’t care whether you’re straight or not as long as your not trans. – D.M., Festival Supporter, July 4, 2012 It’s been 23 years since the MWMF became a symbol of all that’s wrong with cis-privilege and some might wonder why the fight to end cis/trans segregation at […]

The American Psychiatric Association, RadFems and Fundies

Houston, we have a problem. Or, I should say that RadFems and Fundies have a problem on their hands. You might have missed it, but the American Psychiatric Association published their position on “transgender and gender variant” people this week… And their position is problematic to the beloved narrative and traditional goals favored by RadFems and Fundies: Long-standing medical and psychiatric […]

Equality = Bathroom Bills = Rape: Reality Check

Protections will allow men to dress as women “… in order to perpetrate crimes of homicide, rape, robbery [and] assault…” Sound familiar? It sounds like the arguments of TS Separatism and Religious Fundamentalists, doesn’t it? Actually, this quote is 40 years old and comes from a pamphlet published by a religious fundamentalist group campaigning against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). While this […]

Separatists and Fundamentalists

As some of you know some Separatists recently colluded in a bid to have the United Nations remove trans protections based upon gender identity and expression. Dana Lane Taylor, Cathy Brennan and Elizabeth Hungerford happily sent the following letter to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women: This letter linked back (note the “xxii” citation) to […]

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