Category: Grave Yards

The Donnellan Crypt, Downtown Houston

I have to admit that I felt a bit like Lara Croft while getting my shots for this photo essay. Last night I read that there was supposed to be a large family tomb that had been built over, but is still somewhat accessible in downtown Houston.  Of course this rumor caught my attention and so I began researching. […]

10,000 Forgotten Graves

Near downtown Houston, there is an enormous graveyard full of slaves, confederate solders, members of secrete societies and even a mass grave containing the jumbled remains of victims from the 1867 yellow fever outbreak. This purportedly haunted grave yard has designated places for “Paupers, Negroes, Families and those that committed suicide or died in a […]

Haunted Slave Cemetery?

Olivewood Cemetery is located just off I-10 and White Oak Bayou right next to a store called Party Boy. The neglected grave yard is supposedly haunted. With exposed human remains of ex slaves and thicket covered graves, it is no wonder Houstonians have spun ghost stories about this place for generations. There are a number of unmarked […]

Graveyard at the end of Demon Road

Huntsville, Texas locals refer to the road that leads to a small 1800s graveyard as “Demon Road.” Supposedly, some people report seeing hovering red lights traveling down the road. Others report that have been pushed and shoved by invisible hands on their way to the cemetery. At the end of this road lies Martha Chapel Cemetery. Doing a google […]

Galveston Graveyard

Carolyn and I decided to go to on of the old cemeteries on Galveston. What follows are some pictures I took while we were there: – Carolyn sitting on a tombstone. – A close-up of grave moss Below are some pics I took of the gravyard… – This is a statue of Jesus and baby… […]

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