Category: Essay

The psychology of Texas fascism

Yesterday, I learned that a Trumpist gunman was menacing people a few blocks from a school off of Wallisville Road. The gunman said that he was trying to provoke a reaction: The gunman picked the Sonoma Subdivision where the median home costs more than a quarter million. Built in 2005, the subdivision is located in […]


There is a small town stuck between Houston and Galveston. It is one of the many settlements south of Houston that seems to cling to the freeway for life. This particular berg is famous for three things:

1.) A large topless joint that beckons men to exit the freeway so they can have their heart broken by at least 162 women…

Patriarchy, Petitions & Possums: The Simple Process of Getting a Name and Gender Change in Texas

I was going to file my petition far name and gender change that day with a friend. I had thought this day would never come. Never was about how soon I could scrape together the money to get my name and gender change. I was caught up in a catch-22 that many find themselves in: they can’t get a job because they have a the wrong gender marked on their license, but they can’t get it changed because they don’t have the money to pay for a lawyer because they can’t get work.

Name & Gender Change: Do-It-Yourself?

I was going to file my petition far name and gender change that day with a friend. I had thought this day would never come. Never was about how soon I could scrape together the money to get my name and gender change. I was caught up in a catch-22 that many find themselves in: they can’t get a job because they have a the wrong gender marked on their license, but they can’t get it changed because they don’t have the money to pay for a lawyer because they can’t get work.

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