Category: Art

The psychology of Texas fascism

Yesterday, I learned that a Trumpist gunman was menacing people a few blocks from a school off of Wallisville Road. The gunman said that he was trying to provoke a reaction: The gunman picked the Sonoma Subdivision where the median home costs more than a quarter million. Built in 2005, the subdivision is located in […]

TERF front group is fake

Would you be surprised to learn that a wildly popular front group TERF attorney, Cathy Brennan runs is fake? The group, Organizing for Women’s Liberation (OWL) claims to have received well over 100,000 FaceBook likes and is the more palatable face of Cathy Brennan’s hate group. OWL mixes anti-trans messaging in with news reports chronicling […]

Photogenic Riding…

So, when I have just about any free time at all, I’m generally out riding. I spent today putting 275 miles on my Harley. One of the things I love about riding the back roads of Texas is that there seems to be no end to the various decaying structures to explore and photograph. Here’s […]

Metal Band’s Lead to Transition

First, WATCH THIS VIDEO: Caputo: Monsters So, if you like metal you may have heard of Life of Agony. They are one of those mature bands that tend to be spot on with their delivery; controlled… focused. When they play with tempo, sounds, and the baseline, they get it right.  Well, as you might have […]

Transgender Retablo Ex Voto

This retablo depicts a hate-crime being interrupted by a man sent by divine intervention. The man holding the gun below the divine presence is saving the transgender person from men who are attempting to brutalize her.

Stewart’s Mansion: War, Cannibals, Pirates and Ghosts

A friend and I were out on an extended motorcycle ride when we unexpectedly came upon an abandoned mansion in Galveston, Texas. After exploring and taking photos, I came pack home and began doing research on the mansion. The history of this mansion and the land its built upon is quite unique. This history includes […]

The Donnellan Crypt, Downtown Houston

I have to admit that I felt a bit like Lara Croft while getting my shots for this photo essay. Last night I read that there was supposed to be a large family tomb that had been built over, but is still somewhat accessible in downtown Houston.  Of course this rumor caught my attention and so I began researching. […]

10,000 Forgotten Graves

Near downtown Houston, there is an enormous graveyard full of slaves, confederate solders, members of secrete societies and even a mass grave containing the jumbled remains of victims from the 1867 yellow fever outbreak. This purportedly haunted grave yard has designated places for “Paupers, Negroes, Families and those that committed suicide or died in a […]

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